" ... Once to every a thousand years, a cold planet
approaches of the Earth, when, finally, Life comes back to it - that planet is called "Lamedarr".
Once to every a thousand years, a Guardian, half
Angel, half Queen.
An... unknown Queen - to protect us and to avoid our destruction, is designated.
Kind of avoiding that us, its own native ones,
could destroy our own planet.
Because Lamedarr is dying, slowly, in its long,
long orbit around the Sun.
Prisioner in Winters that last a thousand years each time.
Her Mission is to allow that, to the threshold
of the year 2000 of the common Era in the Earth, there'll be a safe planet so that all the lamedarians can move to here.
did all the Queens before her - a long, long Lineage that lasted thousands of thousands of years, since Humanity arose.
There's a last one Queen, before Lamedarr finnaly
approaches Sun - and Earth - by the last time.
She is the Queen Millenia, hidden by a human teacher's disguise.
choosed to be like that. Only a teacher.
But, at the verge of the Millenium, her love is
not limited only to Lamedarr anymore... "