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To visit :)
Here, I'm adding links to some very interesting websites that you surely would want to visit too - enjoy!
From an outstanding fan author! And a great person too!
Check for Herb's tips and hints, his artwork,
both on PPG and manga styles - And read his fandiction!
Paulo DeBiasi's Website
We Brazilians are specially nice people - Paulo is one of
Check for his pictures( he always find a way to put friends
as characters,
in a funny healthy way ), and for Mike and Robin's ones!
Heavy's Artpage
Talk about niceness, and you'll be talking about Heavy too!
He also hosts pictures on his website^^ !
Check out all the Galleries there, and browse - I reccomend it.
FuzzyMorning's Website
Sweet, and heartfelt pictures from a great fanartist!
Those able make one smile, and wonder a story beyond them!
In fact, the most precious gift a true artist like Fuzzy Morning
could give to this Fandom! Go!
Lady Keane is the artist who built this one, with a
wonderful work full of creativity, human warmth, and that's more, a GREAT sense of humor!
Go, and see! You'll love her work!