I'm so glad you liked those roughy sketches I did, lately...( embarassed
); thank you ever so much.
I know that I quite got a lot emotional, at times... but, hey - I can't help about it;
I'm just like that, and it doesn't bite or hurt anyone - I'm harmless.
But, like as I was wondering
lately... I drew Miss Keane in so many, many ways; I love to do fanfic art.
Either at her well-known self, or as the
mother for the Girls( even as a mother herself, just like a friend of mine( Herb Montes )did! A nice happening, BTW ); even,
a superheroine, just like the Girls - "Powerpuff Mom", from David E. Finley's creation - or a paid hommage on one of my favorite
anime( Reiji Matsumoto's "Queen Millenia" ) characters, once both are teachers themselves...
But I see the human being
on the cartoon, always; no matter wich form it takes.
When, by instance, she was an older friend to Robin, who needed
some support, or one who was at the Girls's side, when in a moment of dire need, teaching, or learning( what's the difference,
BTW? I can't se one, as both are bonded by Love )things from them - either married with Professor, or single, as teen or a
kid, as a toddler, and, even, as a baby...
Maybe it's time when, in a possible future( whatever it could be )she would
be a nice older, mature( and even wiser )lady. People grown, and get older, but they are the same people we've got to love,
People also should be proud of that.
I was blessed with a real teacher like her, once in my own life.
But I'm not a cartoon, nor should or I'd actually could want to be. But I find nice if I could transpond some of those
nice things to a mirror of a Fantasy that, in the end, reflects things that actually are - here, and now; so, can be, in our
real World once again. It's just to not forget them.
Years passed. Bubbles didn't forgot her at all. Maybe,
a( subit, made out of the moment )visit paid to Pokey Oaks, years and years from now; Maybe, just after she asked her
counsel, or advice, and was thankful for that; Maybe... I don't know - it's up to your imagination.